Spiritual Awakening is a concept which is preached by Many organized religions. It is also promoted by many non-traditional spiritual practitioners, psychologists and theologist. Contrary to popular belief, which is that, religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism, only has popularized the idea of spiritual awakening or enlightenment. But it is not true. Many ancient Philosopher such as Socrates and Marcus Aurelius and modern academician Such as John Locke, Friedrich Nietzsche, Immanuel Kant and Karl Jung has also emphasized on the idea of Spiritual Awakening.
In empirical term, Spiritual Awakening can be summarized as enhanced perception of human mind which transcend the basic understanding of human knowledge. Also called as higher consciousness. Spiritual awakening is true and it doesn’t contradict the Science. Recent scientific discovery suggests that, spiritual awakening can be defined as pure consciousness, where people experience heightened levels of awareness without a sense of self. (1) . Here are some sign a person is going through spiritual awakening:
Increased Intuition
Perception means the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Humans have five sense such as sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. There is also a Sixth Sense, Which scientists refers to as proprioception. It is a brain mechanism, which allows us to keep track of where our body parts are in space. But over the centuries people have indicated our intuition with sixth sense. Intuition, also referred to as, instinct, is our unconscious part of brain, also called as fast brain.
Spiritual Awakening is associated with increased intuition, the Ability to sense or learn any knowledge without any proof through gut instinct. It is also referred to as third eye. When your intuition increases it may help you understand complex topics and solve problems easily, make quicker and easier decision etc.
Sense of Higher Purpose in life
When you are spiritually awakened. You sense that there is a higher purpose in life and that purpose doesn’t align with your own personal journey only. You feel like there is a potential in you, and that you need to do something which serves humanity. You may choose career, or start a venture while also questioning if your initiative serves humanity and our human collective interest. This sense of purpose will increase your mental well-being, reduce stress and help you live a good life.
Karl Jung defined Synchronicity as the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
For example, you may get a phone call from your old friend the exact moment you are the thinking of him or her. You may be contemplating about your job promotion and you may suddenly get that promotion. According to some, you may repeatedly see number 1111, 111, 222, 333, 1212 in clock or number plate or any other specific area.
Although these doesn’t seem to have any scientific evidence or empirical validation. The topic of synchronicity is subjected to academic discussion, literature and research. Despite people who went through spiritual awakening has subjected to synchronicities, no significant scientific literature has been published on the topic.
Feelings of Oneness
Oneness is the fundamental established base of enlightenment, mysticism and spiritually. True feelings of oneness can only describe by people who have genuinely experienced it. But the basic essence of oneness can be summarized by some of the way, such as perception which transcend the border of self, being in touch with the collective identity of human kind etc. Feelings of oneness would help you stay being in touch with nature, people, animals, plants etc. It is also the highest stage of enlightenment, where ego goes through purification and everything resonates with self.
Increased Compassion
Spiritual awakening will reveal you the true self. The true self is not a self in traditional way. But it helps you stay more in tone with the planet, intuition and your emotions. You will feel more compassionate towards people, animals and plants. Some of the example is, suddenly you might want to adopt a vegetarian diet, or you may experience a deep concern with the violation of human rights or animal rights. You will feel more empathy towards plants and nature. These positive feelings are indicators that you are aligned with the Universal value of Wisdom.
Throughout the century various religions, philosophers and academician has emphasized on the topic of spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakening can be referred as the access to higher consciousness. Although symptoms of spiritual awakening described in the article is rigorously mentioned in various religious scriptures, psychological arguments and philosophical discussion. Such as heightened intuition, feeling a higher sense of purpose, synchronicity, feelings of oneness and increased compassion. There is not much significant scientific literature discussed in the topic. But recent discovery suggests that, spiritual awakening can be referred to as pure consciousness, where people may experience heighten levels of awareness without a sense of self.