Mental well-being refers to safe and sound mental health, better emotional processing, and better cognition. Mental well-being is crucial to live a good and happy life. Some of the hurdles in achieving sound mental well-being is stress, psychological issues such as low self-esteem. Poor mental well-being can result in neurodegenerative illnesses and mental issues such as depression and anxiety.
To ensure a happy and productive life, mental health is very important. If we take some appropriate steps each day to day basis, we can ensure a sound and safe mental health.
Reduce stress, and practice relaxation
Prolonged exposure to stress can harm our mental health. Cortisol, which is the primary stress hormone, when elevated, can harm our physical and mental health. Although stress is normal and daily part of our life. What should be the concern is the elevated levels of stress. Higher levels of stress or chronic stress is linked to many diseases, and mental illnesses.
To ensure an overall optimal health, appropriate measures should be taken to address the issue. Daily stress management techniques such as exercising, mindfulness meditation, sleeping well, spending time in nature, spending quality social times and taking herbs and vitamins are good way to start in a stress management routine.
Practice emotional hygiene and recovery
We deal with a lot of psychological issues day to day. Our thoughts, and emotions affects our brain and psyche. To make sure that it doesn’t affect our mental health, we must take efforts to practice mental hygiene. Some of mental hygiene practices are, Journaling, Positive affirmations, Cognitive behavioral therapy, gratitude etc. If mental hygiene practices are done regularly along with stress management techniques such as describe above, it can result in positive mental outcome.
Practice mindfulness practices
Mindfulness practices are meditation, yoga or breathing exercises which helps you voluntarily insert your focus on your mind to relax. Mindfulness practice can be a part of mental hygiene and stress management routine. It is also a practice which promotes mental detox and mental clarification. Better brain output such as elevated levels of concentration, enhanced productivity and better mental clarity is possible through daily mindfulness practices. 20 minutes of meditation practice in morning right after waking up and just before starting the day is a great place to start. Although immediate benefits of meditation can be seen. It may take weeks or months to see a noticeable long-term effect. Mindfulness practices such as guided meditation, breathing exercises, yoga should be regular part of our daily routine to ensure optimal mental health
Invest in healthy Relationships and Environment
Our relationships, surroundings and environment can affect our mind. Negative environment and people can negatively affect our psyche. While positive and meaningful people can help us nourish our mind in positive way. If one believes that his or her relationship with other people or surrounding environment affecting his/her mental well-being. There needs to be a re-evaluation. If we build better relationship with people who care for us, who loves us for who we are and who helps us grow. Also living in an environment which helps us live in peace and bliss, will help us ensure a better mental health.
Ensure nutrition for brain to aid mind
Nutrition is a big part of ensuring not only just physiological health, it is also important for our mental health. Our mind and mood depend on our brain plasticity or brain structure. Better brain structure can result in better mood, better emotional processing and higher levels of productivity. An overall healthy lifestyle and diet is obligatory to ensure a calm and sound mind. While most of the meals we eat on daily basis consists of high sugar content, high carbs, and high salt. Traditional diet also deprives us of healthy protein and fiber, and also many vitamins and minerals. Optimal levels of protein and carbs, combined with vitamins can help rejuvenate a better brain health. Thus, resulting in mental well-being. Some vitamins and minerals which are important for brain and mind are Magnesium, B-Complex, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin C. Herbs like Ginkgo Biloba, Chamomile Tea, and Ashwagandha has also proven benefits related to brain, mood and memory.
Mental well-being is optimal to live a good and happy life. Although there are many hurdles which disrupts our optimal mental well-being, such as stress and lack of proper nutrition. If we manage our stress, practice emotional hygiene and invest in healthy relationships and environment it will help us maintain a good mental health. Not only that, a healthy diet with appropriate vitamins and minerals combining with different sorts of herbs will also aid in better brain health. Thus, resulting a positive outcome in our mind and mental health.