Personality means distinctive sets of personal characteristics which forms a person’s identity and character. Every person has a personality. And characteristics and effectiveness of our personality can be indicators of our success, health, and desirability to other people and to opposite sex. People emphasize less on personality development. But It plays a huge role in Social perception, success, and leadership.
It is necessary to build a personality which other people likes. Because humans are social being. We went through evolution and built the civilization with constant social engagement and interactions. And effective interactions require a personality which helps a person to assert higher levels of agreeableness and openness, which means it would help him/her to get along with other people, and display interest for learning and adapting.
Basically, it means a person has to be likeable to succeed in career. It will help a person to impress his boss for promotion, and it will also help another person to influence her subordinates through her personality. People are inherently attracted to our personality. So, we can project our knowledge, experience and judgement to other people.
Some well-researched tips are described below. Which tried to explain some method to build a likeable personality. Read to learn more:
Project yourself in a positive light
If you want to be likeable in people’s eye, project yourself in positive light. Which means show positive traits, qualities and habits in front of other people. Use positive sentences, and convey positive judgement. Because the more people count you as positive, the more people are going to trust you and like you. On the other hand, negative talks, judgements and habits are going to harm a person’s social perception by other people. It is natural that people don’t like negative people.
Enhance your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) helps you identify your own emotions, and that of other’s and helps you display an appropriate reaction to social circumstances such as during a conversation. High EQ people display emotional maturity, and positive reactions during social interaction. They are good at effective communication. High EQ people are trusted and liked, because they carry logic, reasoning and appropriate emotional reasoning during a conversation or social interaction. High EQ characteristics are desired in employee by all Human Resource Manager. High EQ people are effective communicator and display higher levels of leadership quality.
Display leadership qualities
Some people think leadership means influencing people through domination. But it is not true. Some effective leadership qualities are Confidence, Dedication, Problem Solving, Social Skills and Intelligence. People who carry these traits are more likely to communicate better with people, carry a project to success, solve a problem and influence people to do chores in effective manners. These leadership qualities are not only desired in a company CEO or HRM manager, but also, these traits will help you advance more in life and career. Because you are more likely to perform better task completion, handle difficult situations and complete a project. People are more likely to trust you on assigning roles and tasks.
Make eye contact
Eye contact makes you appear engaging in a conversation. It also helps you assert your dominance and presence during an interaction. A confident person makes eye contact with other people, and a confident person will most likely to make an eye contact with you. Eye contact is the first step to initiate a conversation. It is a great tool in social interaction. It also helps you understand other people. This is a positive trait which will make you engaging and thus making you appear more likeable.
Give other people good vibes, make them laugh
People loves positive feelings. People likes to laugh. Because it makes them feel good. And people like to feel good. Imagine, a person who is able to deliver these to people. Wouldn’t you love him or her? That’s why the vibe you provide to others, is important. Giving people positive vibes, and using sense of humor effectively will instantly make you likeable. And people will love to stay around you more.
What people don’t like is negativity. If a person shows negative characteristics, and gives people negative vibes. People naturally wouldn’t going to like them. Isn’t it obvious?
Listen thoroughly
Very few people have mastered the art of listening, because most people just hear what other peoples say. Listening will help you understand people’s perspective, view and opinion. It will also make you appear more engaging. People likes to be listened. That’s why listeners often grab people’s attention. People like a listener. It is a great trait. Listening is a prerequisite to a great conversation.
Speak with clarity and efficiency
Speaking with clarity is important, because it enables you to express your views and thoughts with efficiency. People will understand you more if you talk with clarity and efficiency. If you don’t speak clearly or express your views efficiently, people will misinterpret it. That’s where the problem arises. Speak what people would love to hear. Even if you want to announce a negative event, make sure to speak clearly and deliver straight forward talk.
A likeable personality enables a person to get along with other people. Inter-dependence of human beings has caused great advancement to our Civilization. That’s why building a personality which helps you getting along with other people will help you not only personally, but also in Career and Success. Displaying positive energy to other people, displaying Emotional Intelligence during social interactions, and projecting leadership quality are important to win people’s attention. These will help you in acquiring people’s trust and moving forward in your career. Also, during a conversation, making eye contact, giving people good vibes and listening to other people’s perspective and views will also project your personality in positive light. These traits and qualities may seem insignificant to some people, but it can make a significant positive impact on social perception of an individual.