Passive Income: Top Freelancing skills to learn in 2024

Freelancers are self-employed individuals who make a living by working for clients via the internet. One of the most appealing aspects of working as a freelancer is the ability to work on your own time, without the limitations of traditional office rules. As a result, freelancing is an excellent profession.

If you have skills in graphic design or web development, you can find numerous clients looking for freelancers like you on sites like Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr. If you lack the necessary skills, there are hundreds of courses taught by experienced instructors on sites such as Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare. Here are some skills you can learn to help you make money as a freelancer:

Social Media Marketing

Average Base Salary: $56,816 per year.

Promoting social media accounts or brands is what social media marketing encompasses. According to Upwork, it was the most in-demand freelancing job in 2022. People are spending more time online. Businesses are going online to find new customers. Social media is a powerful tool for attracting customers to a brand or product. The number of people using social media has increased from 970 million in 2010 to nearly 4.5 billion by 2022. Many social media brands and profiles are hiring social media marketers to post ads, conduct marketing campaigns, and raise brand awareness as the platform grows. Spending on social media advertising is expected to reach $252 billion by 2026.

Skill Acquisition: Communication skills, writing skills, proficiency, basic design skills, research skills, customer service, and digital ad strategy are required. A marketing degree or courses in graphics design, social media marketing, videography, and ad management can be beneficial.

Web Development

Average Base Salary: $74,057 per year.

Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites on the internet. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job market for web developers is expected to grow by 15% by 2026. Web developers are classified into three types:

Front-end developers, who handle the design and creation of web interfaces.

Back-end developers, who manage the server-side aspects of websites such as databases, data storage and security.

Full-stack developers, who work on both front-end and back-end development.

Skill Acquisition: Strong knowledge of programming languages, problem-solving skills, dedication, and patience are essential. University degrees in computer science or enrolling in courses to learn programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript for front-end development, and PHP, Ruby, SQL for back-end development can provide a solid foundation.

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Average Base Salary: $59,385 per year.

Freelancers specializing in accounting and bookkeeping offer services to clients by maintaining accurate records of financial transactions, tracking expenses and revenue, managing accounts and handling payroll. There is significant demand for freelance accountants and bookkeepers.

Skill Acquisition: Acquiring an accounting degree and becoming certified is a prerequisite for becoming an accountant. Online courses can be an excellent place to begin. Achieving CPA certification can provide a competitive advantage, as only 30-45% of accountants in the United States are CPA certified. In addition, they earn 15% more than regular accountants. Qualification, experience, commitment, and effort are all important factors in becoming a freelance accountant.

Graphics Designing

Average Base Salary: $53,066 per year.

Graphic design is the process of creating art that uses typography, images, and color to convey graphical information. While the United States Bureau of Labor predicts a 4% decline in the graphics design industry by 2029 as a result of AI and automation software. It would continue to be a valuable career. Graphic design is useful in conjunction with other professions such as social media marketing and digital advertising. Future trends are expected to incorporate it with 3D design and animation, making now an excellent time to learn graphic design.

Skill Acquisition: A degree in graphics design or enrollment in graphics design courses is required. Developing skills in graphics design tools and software, which are widely available online, is possible through a wide range of courses and instructors.

Digital Marketing

Average Base Salary: $62,146 per year.

Digital marketing is the use of the internet to promote brands, products, or businesses. As internet usage increases, marketing is shifting to digital platforms. It has become a multibillion-dollar industry with 10% annual growth. Digital marketing can be a lucrative career due to its broad reach, growth potential, and low cost.

Skill Acquisition: To excel in digital marketing, a university degree in marketing, tech-savvy knowledge, digital marketing skills such as search engine optimization, social media management, market analysis, basic design skills, email marketing, creativity, problem-solving skills, and writing skills are required.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Average Base Salary: $54,087 per year.

SEO is the process of optimizing website pages or products in order to increase their visibility on search engines and audience engagement. With billions of daily searches on search engines, SEO provides an excellent opportunity to increase page or product visibility. SEO also promotes high-quality content and brand products across search engine platforms.

Skill Acquisition: High-quality SEO courses on platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera can provide you with a solid foundation. Following blogs like Backlinko can help you learn more about SEO.


Average Base Salary: $58,148 per year.

Writing jobs are in high demand in the freelancing sector, as websites and brands are constantly looking for new content writers to meet their needs. Popular and in-demand niches include content writing, copywriting, article writing, and journalism. However, broad knowledge and the ability to apply techniques to make content more readable to consumers are essential prerequisites.

Skill Acquisition: Effective writing requires writing experience, subject knowledge, grammatical proficiency, and a large vocabulary. Writing about different topics on a regular basis can help you improve your skills. Up-to date information and knowledge about trends are also needed.

Virtual Assistant

Average Base Salary: $66,248 per year.

Virtual assistants provide administrative services to clients all over the world, including appointment scheduling, phone calls, travel arrangements, email organization, and task reminders. Virtual assistants are in high demand as people around the world connect via the internet.

Skill Acquisition: While some formal education is recommended, essential skills include communication, time management, project management, IT skills, writing abilities, and effective decision-making.

Video Editing

Average Base Salary: $49,242 per year.

Video editing is in high demand, especially with the growing number of online video content creators. Video editing, unlike some other professions, is unlikely to be replaced by AI or automation software. This makes it a promising career.

Skill Acquisition: Video editing skills require proficiency in software like Adobe Premiere Pro CC, creative skills, editing skills and color grading skills.


All base salary figures are taken from So, salary figures can vary.

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