A high value man is a Man with purpose, ambition and values. A high value man carries a great personality, and they’re respected by others. They are more likely to attract Women and often win in the mating market. By mating market, it refers the dynamics of Male-Female attraction, mating and relationship. Since primitive time, Female used to take care of Children and household chores. Males used to hunt, lead the tribe and gather resources to survive.
Although time has changed, females are becoming more self-reliant and independent, and which is a good thing. Still a Women desires a High value Man in their life. A high value Man is also protector of tribe, inventor of many great inventions. And society depends on them.
A high value Man is Smart, Intelligent, Dedicated, Ambitious and influence others. They are also adapted to change. They can adopt to different and challenging environment, and also various situations in life. On the other hand, A low value man is unambitious, lazy and resistant to change. They remain the same, and carry no desire to grow. A highly value Man is easily distinguished from a low value man through their characteristics, personality and ethics.
The article explained the path to becoming a high value Man by explaining their unique characteristics which place them in that position. To learn more, read below:
Adopt Growth Mindset
Growth mindset refers to a mindset where a person firmly believes his abilities, personalities, habits, and talents can be changed and improve. The opposite is fixed mindset where a person just can’t change, and remains same almost all the time except any external pressure is given. Such as marriage or birth of a child. Where as a person with growth mindset always ready to learn, to adopt, to adapt and to strive for better almost each day and everyday according to his or her ability. A Man who has growth mindset in his psyche, is obviously a high value Man. Because he never let his insecurities or conditions dictates his life. He is always striving for a better life and habits. He adopts values, ethics and friendships over time which will put him forward in life.
- Try to make your life better through focusing on your personal growth.
- Build high quality habits such as waking up early, reading books and exercising.
Carry self-responsibility
Responsibility makes a Man Action oriented. And the ability to take Action defines a Man.
Carrying self-responsibility, which means taking responsibility for a person’s own actions and habits will make him take action to resolve any issue. A Man takes not only takes responsibility for his family or tribe. He takes responsibility for his own self. He can identify problems in himself, and looks for solutions and opportunities to grow. He doesn’t let his problems define himself. He is always taking action to make himself better.
- Be responsible for your thoughts and actions.
- Be willing to change your any of conduct or habits which doesn’t serve you.
Be more assertive
Assertive beings asserting yourself in more confident manner. By being more assertive you can voice your opinion and tackle criticism in more efficient way. To become more assertive, practice self-confidence and self-belief.
A high value Man is not easily intimidated. They are confident in their everyday life including daily tasks and Social Interactions. They can project themselves in calm and confident manner. That’s what makes them a leader. A high value Man can lead people due to their assertive manner.
- Practice self-belief through practicing self-believing thoughts, actions and practices. Gradually your subconscious mind will get adapted to self-believing thoughts and actions, making you more confident.
Do not care slightly of what others think of you
When we overthink of what others think of us. It makes us anxious, intimidated and stressed out. And a high value Man shouldn’t be in that position. He shouldn’t care slightly of other people’s subjective or personal opinion. A High value Man can learn from people’s opinion. But it shouldn’t interfere with his mind if it doesn’t clash with his value and ethics, or serves his interest.
- Be yourself. Do not think what others think of you. Do what you’re supposed to be doing as long as long as you are sticking to the values.
Take care of your physical health
A Man is supposed to be strong. A Man carry testosterone in his blood, which is supposed to make him more Muscular, Stronger, and Resilient. But often times, modern day diet, lack of exercise can make a Man drop his testosterone levels in his body. Lower levels of testosterone, is associated with Mental Illnesses, hormonal imbalances, and various health complications.
Exercise has proven benefits to enhance testosterone levels in the body. Also combining exercise with a health nutritious diet, adding vitamins and minerals, managing stress, and leading an overall healthy lifestyle will be enough to boost testosterone levels in the body and enhance physical strength and endurance.
- Workout your body to build strength, endurance, stamina and muscle.
- Adopt a diet, take enough nutrition and manage stress to increase the levels of testosterone level in the body.
Form your own opinion using logic and reasoning
When thinking of a High Value Man people may assume these people are stronger or muscular like Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jason Momoa. But this is not true. High Value men has significantly influenced the world in a positive way, and helped in the development of our civilization. Some of high value men are Albert Einstein, Nicolas Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Marcus Aurelius etc. These people have immensely contributed to humanity and development of human race.
Why are they high value Man? Because they dedicated their time in logic, reasoning and learning. They have invested time in the self-development, also held the belief to help other people and lead them for a positive cause.
- Dedicate time on learning to become a better man.
Create your own code of conduct, and Build a personality
Code of conduct means, combination of personal objective values, ethics and life code to live by. It determines your relationship with other people, life ambition, lifestyle, personality etc. A high value man has own code of conduct.
To build your own code of conduct, invest time on self-development, adopt morally driven values, value your times, and build a personality.
- Build a masculine personality. With higher levels of responsibility, action, dedication and ambition.
Work on to become mentally tough and resilient
Life can show us unexpected incidences, some of which can be even beyond our control. To remain constant with life, during that period, we should be able to use mental stamina to deal with those issues. If not, then we may collapse in those incidences, which may be difficult to deal with.
A high value Man has Stamina to deal with difficult situations. To become mentally tough and resilient, participate in challenging tasks, which will help you become more accustomed to difficulties. Also, practice emotional processing through using tools like meditation, spirituality and journaling. Exercise your body to build strength. Physical exercise can also build mental strength. Which are required to become a Real Man in Danger.
- Face more challenges. Face your fears. It will teaches you lessons and strategies which will gradually teach you to keep cool under pressure.
Be committed to your self-improvement
Self-improvement can help you get rid of bad habits from your life, and build more quality habits. The journey is difficult due to, it requires a lot of time, dedication and hard work. And, not everyone succeed in it. That’s why High value man are rare.
A person can have many personal bad habits, problems, and insecurities. And it is normal. By committing to a self-improvement journey. You are committing time on enhancing a personality for you which is better at making decisions, who has better habits and who is more successful. Not only that, you are getting rid of old bad habits and insecurities.
- Always strive for better. Always!
- Dedicate time on self-improvement. Create better habits, and work on to get rid of bad habits which are no use to you.